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Accidents happen—add extra protection with this Aflac Accidents plan.

Group Accident Insurance - Close-up of a Female Sitting with a Broken Arm in a Plaster Cast in a Hospital Patient Room and Holding Her Injured Arm with Her Other Hand for Support

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Aflac Accident Insurance helps pay the costs associated with an accident that are not covered by health insurance.

No one ever sees an accident coming.

Millions of people are injured every year and seek medical care as a result. Ambulance charges, emergency room copays, deductibles, co-insurance—the expenses can add up fast. Aflac Accident insurance may help with the financial strain that arises from an injury

Lump-sum payments to use.

Aflac Accident insurance plans typically pay out a lump sum when an accident occurs. The amount could be based on the type of injury sustained, the type of treatment rendered, or a combination of the two. The money may be treated as reimbursement for expenses they incurred. However, they may also use it to pay for additional child care, transportation, or any other needs. The amount paid by the Aflac accident plan is generally paid regardless of the out-of-pocket expenses left over after health insurance pays.

Plan Highlights.

  • Hospitalization Benefit – $1,950 when admitted for a hospital confinement of at least 18 hours.
  • Major Diagnostic and imaging Exam benefit – $375 for covered imaging exams such as: CT Scan, CAT, MRI, or EEG
  • $120-$4,500 for covered dislocations and fractures
  • $150 for concussions
  • $135-$13,000 for burns
  • Convenience of payroll deductions
  • Portability if you retire or change jobs
  • Coverage is also available for spouse and dependent children under 26 years of age.

Click the link below to download the brochure.

Aflac Accident

Interested in learning more?

If you would like to sign up or learn more about this plan, please fill out the form to be contacted by a representative.

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  1. Step 1Fill out the form.
  2. Step 2Review your options with us.
  3. Step 3Get the coverage you need.